Thursday, November 11, 2010

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

When it feels like there are a hundred options in front of you, but you don't know which one is right? When you don't know what the next step is? When you can't see past today?

We all have seasons in our life when we feel confusion and anxiety about the future. Sometimes it comes when there has been huge change in our lives. Or at other times it comes when life feels like it has been the same for SO long and you are desperate for change.

My season in Africa has ended...for now. It was an adventure that completely changed my life and who I am. I can honestly say that I have never felt so free and at peace with myself than I did being in that country. Its impossible to explain, but after having your heart stretched and rearranged; your eyes opened and priorities changed...I just felt like the real me for the first time. I have left Africa, and after a whirlwind visit back home to Sydney...I have arrived in the USA. And so now the next part of my journey continues. But...I dont really know where this journey is going to take me. I dont know for how long I want to stay in the USA. Or whether I want to go back to Africa. Or whether I go home. I dont know what the next step is. And that can feel pretty scary and overwhelming. But I was reminded today that this isn't just a geographical journey for me. Its more about a journey of trust and faith.

I recently reread a great book called The Shack. In it the man character is challenged about where most humans spend their thoughts...which of course is in the future and the past. We very rarely truly live in the present. We miss so much beauty in the today, by worrying about what is to come, or reflecting (or blaming) on what was. Maybe sometimes God gives us seasons where He doesnt tell us what tomorrow will bring. He doesnt yet reveal His plans. He doesnt give us all the answers. I believe that this may mean that, as well as then having to trust Him with our tomorrows, it should allow us to relax and simply enjoy our today. I really want to learn to do what it says in the scriptures about not worrying what tomorrow will bring, as tomorrow will take care of itself. And also where it talks about how worrying doesnt add a single thing to my life. Anxiety and worry is just a tool that the devil uses to make us take our eyes off God. When we worry, we are pretty much saying to God that we don't think He is able to help or manage our situation/concerns. Which we know is crazy, because the bible tells us that nothing is impossible for God.

So...if you are trying to figure out the next step in your life, just stop for a moment. As Ps Brian once said - if you are confused about a decision, then maybe its not the best time to make that decision. So stop worrying or over-analysing (yes, definitely talking to the girls there!). Pray. Trust that at the right time God will give you peace or lack of it, in order to open or close a door. His timing is perfect. He hasn't forgotten you. And He's not sitting around frantically trying to work out what to do because this was unexpected to him. Trust him. And then enjoy the moment. Stop and look around at whats in your hands/life right now. Don't miss it because you are worrying about the future. The future will arrive just at the right time. And if you seek His will and plans, you can be guaranteed you will end up on the right track. Without any of that pesky worry stealing your precious beauty sleep...

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