Saturday, May 28, 2011

Help, I'm sinking!!

So this week I found myself thinking about one of the most famous stories in the bible - the story where Peter steps out of the boat and walks on water with Jesus. At many times of my life, this story has impacted me. Mostly when there is something scary on the horizon and I feel myself challenged to step out of the boat and take a risk in faith.

But this focus was further into the story. The story talks about Jesus calling Peter out of the boat, and Peter seemingly jumping out of the boat quickly, with little hesitation. Full of faith and confidence in Jesus, it appears. However once he is out on the water, he starts to look around him, panic, and begin to sink.
I feel like...that's the Peter I can relate to at the moment. I feel like 12-18 months ago Jesus called me to step out of my boat in faith. To pack up my life and move to America...and I feel like I accepted that quickly, without much hesitation, and full of faith. And, like Peter, that's when the miracles began. I can't start to explain the miracles of how I got I am doing all that I am doing...least of all how I am STILL living on the small amount of savings I started with. But I am. I stepped out and God met me with His miracles.

But its now, right in the MIDDLE of Gods miracle, that I find myself suddenly looking around and starting to panic. I am not sure how Hes going to open doors for me to stay. Hows hes going to make a way, in His perfect timing, whilst still allow me to do what I came here to do, and still meet the desires of my heart...when life just seems so crazy to me. Its very easy to feel overwhelmed and start to sink.

Yet...just like with Peter...Jesus is still with me, and in the middle of the craziness...reaches out his hand to me. Its the age old reminder not to look at my circumstances, but simply to keep my eyes on Him. I feel like its one of those lessons that you can never learn enough! You feel like you nailed it...until you enter your next season of sinking. But thankfully...God is patient with His. Hes our lifeguard that never grows tired of helping us stay afloat.

So...right in the middle of my miracle...I choose to keep looking to Him. Choose to not look at how overwhelming and scary life may feel...but just look to Him. Remembering how he didn't let me sink when I first stepped out the boat. And How he wont let me sink now. His mercy, his grace, his strength, his plans, his purpose, his timing...its forever. And that's what keeps us afloat no matter what.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lessons to live by....

So this week has been a crazy week...but here are the 3 God lessons I have been pondering on...

(1) When all you see in front of you is Red Sea...remember that God knows how He will get you to the other side. This week felt like a Red Sea week. All I could see was red tape, job and visa difficulties. I was hit with a spirit of discouragement, and it just felt too hard. But then I realised that the Israelites would have felt that too. They would have walked up to this HUGE Red Sea. They probably couldn't see to the other side. And I am sure they had no idea how on earth they were supposed to get to the other side. Its easy for us nowadays to think "oh yeah, God parted it and they walked through". But when you stop and think about it...I am not so sure I would have wanted to step in and give it a try. Even after it initially parted, I probably would still have wondered what would have happened if I had gotten halfway and the plan changed?! Sometimes we go through days/weeks/seasons when you can't see the other side - all you can see is the impossible situation. Right now, you might not know what miracle God will use to get you through the craziness and over to the other side. But He does. In Romans 4 it says "If you see that the job is too big for you, that its something only God can do, and you trust Him to do it - you could never do it for yourself no matter how hard and long you worked - well, that trusting-him-to-do-it is what gets you right with God, by God. Sheer gift" (v5: Message bible). God wants us to trust Him with the impossible. Because for Him...NOTHING is impossible. He can do all things, if we just have faith. Maybe the way it happens won't be as we expect it. Maybe the Israelites presumed God was going to bring a huge bridge, flown in by a ginormous helicopter. But God did something more than their minds could comprehend. Even bigger and show How great and powerful He is. Sometimes God wants to use our impossible situations as a testimony of His greatness. So...don't give up. Don't get discouraged. Pray the prayer I now pray daily: "Lord, do the impossible in my life".

(2) When its God's plan...nothing you can do will stuff it up. So...this week I realised I made some pretty dumb decisions. I left somethings to the last minute that I should have done earlier. I said some dumb things to people without thinking. But..I am human. And humans do dumb things. Abraham did. He told a very powerful man that his wife was his sister! Not only once...but TWICE! And what about Aaron. Moses goes up on the mountain to talk to God, and what does Aaron do....He builds a golden cow to worship! Talk about dumb moves. But God had a plan and purpose for their lives bigger than they were. It again says in Romans 4 "If Abraham, by what he did for God, got God to approve him, he could certainly have taken credit for it. But the story we are given is a God-story, not an Abraham-story". The story of Abraham actually has nothing to do with Abraham. Its all about God simply using a common man, who makes dumb decisions sometimes, to do great things. God has a plan for me, and a plan for you. And yeah, sometimes we might stuff up. Sometimes we might delay things. Sometimes we take the long way to get there. But when it's Gods will prevail. God slowly brings you back on track and right back into his plan. Of course that doesn't mean we can throw wisdom out the window and do whatever we want...but it does mean that our lives are bigger than ourselves. So forgive yourself when you stuff up. Repent. Give it to God. And allow him to bring you back on the path to His plan for your life.

(3) Don't be like the Israelites and be quick to forget all the miracles God has done in your life. Oh, this is the big one I am having to focus on during my crazy faith season. On the days when I look at my circumstances, panic, throw my hands in the air and cry "why did you bring me here God"...I am quick to realise that that's what the Israelites did too. As humans, we are so quick to forget the amazing things God has done in our lives. 9 months ago God did HUGE miracles to open doors and allow me to start this crazy journey. And now that things are again entering into a scary season...I need to keep remembering those miracles. God is the same God as 9 months ago...and the same God as 2000 years ago. He parted the Red Sea. Healed people from impossible sickness. Brought Jesus and many others back to life. Supernatural, crazy, difficult to fathom miracles. And He can do that for us today. Don't be quick to panic and focus on our circumstances. Keep your focus upward. He has done great miracle before...He WILL do them again.