Saturday, May 28, 2011

Help, I'm sinking!!

So this week I found myself thinking about one of the most famous stories in the bible - the story where Peter steps out of the boat and walks on water with Jesus. At many times of my life, this story has impacted me. Mostly when there is something scary on the horizon and I feel myself challenged to step out of the boat and take a risk in faith.

But this focus was further into the story. The story talks about Jesus calling Peter out of the boat, and Peter seemingly jumping out of the boat quickly, with little hesitation. Full of faith and confidence in Jesus, it appears. However once he is out on the water, he starts to look around him, panic, and begin to sink.
I feel like...that's the Peter I can relate to at the moment. I feel like 12-18 months ago Jesus called me to step out of my boat in faith. To pack up my life and move to America...and I feel like I accepted that quickly, without much hesitation, and full of faith. And, like Peter, that's when the miracles began. I can't start to explain the miracles of how I got I am doing all that I am doing...least of all how I am STILL living on the small amount of savings I started with. But I am. I stepped out and God met me with His miracles.

But its now, right in the MIDDLE of Gods miracle, that I find myself suddenly looking around and starting to panic. I am not sure how Hes going to open doors for me to stay. Hows hes going to make a way, in His perfect timing, whilst still allow me to do what I came here to do, and still meet the desires of my heart...when life just seems so crazy to me. Its very easy to feel overwhelmed and start to sink.

Yet...just like with Peter...Jesus is still with me, and in the middle of the craziness...reaches out his hand to me. Its the age old reminder not to look at my circumstances, but simply to keep my eyes on Him. I feel like its one of those lessons that you can never learn enough! You feel like you nailed it...until you enter your next season of sinking. But thankfully...God is patient with His. Hes our lifeguard that never grows tired of helping us stay afloat.

So...right in the middle of my miracle...I choose to keep looking to Him. Choose to not look at how overwhelming and scary life may feel...but just look to Him. Remembering how he didn't let me sink when I first stepped out the boat. And How he wont let me sink now. His mercy, his grace, his strength, his plans, his purpose, his timing...its forever. And that's what keeps us afloat no matter what.

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