Have you ever thought about your potential? What does that even mean? Does everyone have one?
Over the last few months...I feel like I have become aware of my potential for the first time in my life. Because my potential is not about what I have done...or even what I am good at...or what I haven't done...its more than that. One dictionary defines it as "Capable of being but not yet in existence".
I look at great musicians...speakers...leaders...and I wonder - do they have more potential than others? Than me? Or...do we all have the same potential inside of us. I think its the latter. I think we all have great potential. Sure, it will look different in all of us. And its different to having specific skills or talents or gifts. Some people might think that because they can't sing, or dance or cook well, or put two words together, that that means that they have no potential. But I don't believe that that's true. I think that we all have potential...but some of us never release it. We live small lives, focusing instead on what we don't have or cant do. We blame our circumstances or our past or our mistakes or what someone has done to us. But none of that takes away from our potential. Nothing or noone can steal it from us. Its always there...waiting to be unleashed. We all have something we can do. If we have hands, we can carry things or hug people or build something. If we have a voice we can speak to people or speak up for people. If we have time, we can give it. If we have ears, we can stop and listen to people. Using your potential doesn't mean becoming rich and famous. But I believe that it means leaving your mark on the world in a unique way. Maybe not in a big way. Maybe just touching one persons life. Doing one small but significant act. Its like a ripple effect...and maybe we under-estimate the potential in the little things we do, and how impacting they can truly be.
For me...its like I can sense my future in a new way. I can sense that I am going to do something life changing...but I dont yet know what that is. And I dont have to strive for it...or be someone I am not to do it...I just have to be willing. Willing to put my hand up. Willing to give it a go. Willing to use whats in my hand...realising that I was made/shaped/designed and given the skills/personality/talents/desires I have in order to use my potential and simply be the best I can be.
Noone is better than anyone in this life. We all have potential. And when we add our potential to Gods plan and power...then what results in something that may even take our breath away. I want that for my life. I want to leave my mark on this world. I don't want to live small...I just want to live willing...
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