"Turn around and touch 6 people and tell them..." Well, it actually doesnt matter what you tell them. But I will come back to this...
Hillsong Conference 2010 is over. And what an AMAZING week it was. For me there is no bigger high than getting to volunteer for conference. Investing time into 20,000 Christians from around the world...helping to make their week as smooth and enjoyable as possible, to allow their life to be impacted...so they can then return home and impact others. And some of the most hidden volunteer teams are the most important...like the refresh and catering teams. Quietly serving in the background...never getting the recognition that is deserved, but knowing God sees and will reward their servant hearts. I remember over the years getting that revelation as I have been on my hands and knees, cleaning toilets or picking up people's rubbish from beneath their seat...I am serving a God who sees me and appreciates me, even when noone is around. Its very freeing when you get that revelation, as it stops you craving or needing the appreciation from others.
This year for me personally was such a huge stretch. I got to again help run the main arena...which meant that I sat right at the foot of the stage, often surrounded by some of the Christian world's most "famous" guests and musicians. It was challenging...stretching...it kept me on my toes...but I loved it. However I remember at one point, being surrounded by all these people...but having this amazing sense that in Gods eyes I am just as valuable, just as impacting, have just as much potential, and make God smile just as much as these guys do. It made me brave to sing at the time of my lungs, often out of tune, standing next to some of the world's best christian songwriters and worship leaders. It made me stand tall and feel significant rather than feeling in the way, when surrounded by the guests and pastors. It made me realise my value and potential and significance...but also the significance of others. I sense more than ever in my life that God wants to use me to do something big for him. I have no idea what that means or what it will look like..but I really sense that I am at the beginning of great journey and that my potential is rising to the surface. But I am desperate to stay humble...to never see myself greater than others...to always be willing to do what is needed, without an ego. This year I really noticed the leaders who were great, or not great, as giving value to those around them. Some may give value from the pulpit or the stage, but they arent great at giving it when they are dealing with people back stage or away from the public eye. It made me aware of no matter what God does in my life...I always want to give people value. Thanking the refresh team as they clean the bathroom. Thanking the venue safety guys who stand for hours at a time, opening the doors and checking passes. Seeing them for who they are, what they are sacrificing and giving, and never seeing it as less or not as valuable as the people on stage. Making eye contact, smiling and saying thank you...they aren't hard to give...but I was challenged by the fact that sometimes the more well know leader you become, the less you may be inclined to give it. I was encouraged by my senior pastors and some of the main guests who did...and challenged by those who didnt.
But I think the biggest impact from conference this year for me was the message from the stage...that its all about people. Hearing Joel H speak from his heart about how it has to be more than lights and glamour...and that without God, he is nothing. About how it doesnt matter where we come from, who our parents are, what gifts and talents we have...we all need God, and only with God can we truly succeed and rise up to where He wants to take us.
So last night, during praise and worship in church, TD Jakes' words came back to me..."turn around and touch 6 people and tell them..." Conference cant just be about hearing great messages and feeling inspired, and then coming back home and getting back into the normal life routine. Our lives need to constantly be turning around and touching people. Never being "too good" to stop and make conversation with someone. Never being too busy. Never being too focused that we miss the spontaneous opportunities. Just like when you are standing in a group and someone with a bad smell walks past...or better yet when a guy with a gorgeous aftershave walks past...you are instantly drawn to look around and see what the smell is. Our lives should have an attractive fragrance that comes off them. So that when people see us, they may not know what it is about us that makes us different...but that there is something that makes them turn their head and want to find out. Its about giving people around us value. Meeting their practical and emotional needs. Taking the time to stop...and reach out and touch those people around us...
We cant let conference be just a week where you leave it feeling good...it has to be now about reaching those in our worlds...showing them the love and value that were were blessed to receive from the cross. Without judging or condemning. Simply loving and accepting. So...now its your turn to "turn around and touch 6 people and tell them"...
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