YAY!!! I am so excited and relieved after I was issued my 12 month USA tourism visa today!! And after sitting there for 45min in the waiting area watching person after person get denied...I had no doubt that I was going to need God's favour!!
"You're blessed when you are at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule" Matt 5: 3 (Message)
Life can be stressful. At the moment I have a million things running through my mind and a to-do list a mile long. But I wonder if all the times that we are running around like crazy, trying to make things happen in our own strength, often banging our head against the wall...if God is just watching us. And like a perfect gentleman...waiting for us. Waiting for us to reach the end of our rope...tired, burnt out and ready to collapse...so that He can step in and do what He does best. Carry us. Guide us. Open the right doors. Give us His favour.
I am grateful that I learning slowly to let God and His rule lead me BEFORE I get to the end of my rope. Living a life of faith and hope, no matter how scary things seem or out of control or not going the way I presumed they would go...its actually a free life. A blessed life. And I wouldn't have it any other way..
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