"What happened to those wise people? What happened to the ones who think that they have all the answers? Didn't God show that the wisdom of the world is foolish? God was wise and decided not to let the people of this world use their wisdom to learn about him. Instead, God chose to save only those who believe the foolish message we preach" 1 Corinthians 1:20-21(CEV)
This is an interesting verse to me. Initially I was like...why DOESN'T God just give us all the answers. Give us all His wisdom...if He loved us surely He would. But then I realised that then we wouldn't need faith. Faith is only needed BECAUSE we don't have all the answers. And if everything about God made logical sense, then we also wouldn't really need a lot of faith...it would just come easy to trust.
If we knew everything, we wouldn't need faith.
If we never experienced any trouble, then we wouldn't get to experience His overcoming.
If we never felt broken, we wouldn't ever get to experience Him making us whole.
If we have everything, then we wouldn't learn to appreciate what we do have.
If God never corrects or disciplines us, we would never grow or realise how much He loves us.
If God gave us all His power, we would never learn to depend on Him.
I don't have many answers. I realise that now more than ever being in a Third World country. I don't get how some people, who love God, can live in a slum. Yet also be happy and content. I don't understand how the preachers here can preach about hope and God's blessing to people who have nothing. Yet the people have faith. It is such testimony to the fact that on the surface; if you just looked at the situation from the "world's" perspective...of course it doesn't make sense. Its foolish. But that is why we chose to put our faith in what seems crazy...because that's what faith is all about. And God sees that. And blesses that. And in my experience...He has NEVER let me down.
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