Well...I am on the eve of the start of my big adventure. I can't believe how the time has flown. So much that my brain hasn't yet caught up and I haven't even processed that I am about to leave. And as I sit around looking at my bare apartment, and see my packed bag (now THAT was a miracle, getting it all to fit)...I guess its natural to reflect on the journey...up until now, and the journey ahead.
Last week in the Bondi service at church, Thomas H spoke a little on how we are God's poem. You read in the bible that we are God's masterpiece, and I know that God has a plan for me...but the way he described God writing our life as a poem was beautiful. How, just like a true poet or story-teller, He carefully chooses every word He writes over our life. He carefully chooses what path we take. Designs how He closes one door, to guide us to another. How He positions us somewhere at the right time. And how at the same time that He is writing our poem, He is writing the poems of other people's lives, carefully interweaving them with ours. Positioning us both at the right place, at the right time.
It made me again realise, that if I give up my plans and simply trust what He has already written over my life...then He will take me on the most amazing journey. Yes there will be scary times and sad times, as it makes a boring poem/story without that...but because He wrote it, He holds my hand during the scary times, and laughs with me during the fun times.
I have no idea what Africa will hold for my life when I arrive in 2 days time. But I do know that God has already written my poem. He knows what's ahead. He will provide, protect and bless me, just as He promised. I cant imagine a better story line for my life than what He has, and is about to, write...
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