I was listening to a message by Joyce Meyer today (www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/Broadcast/ ...totally recommend her website, if you dont already watch her!!) and in one of her messages she talked about the Israelites in the wilderness. She said that all of the time spent in the wilderness was to train or teach them in warfare, and to allow them to get to know who they were and who God was. So that by the time they arrived at their destination...they were ready.
And it made me think...do I see my time in the wilderness as having any purpose, or do I just see it as killing time between places/circumstances? People talk about doors closing and other doors opening...but not many people talk about the corridor time in between.
If you feel like you are in a bit of a wilderness season...when you are waiting for the next door to open so you can get out of this corridor...stop for a second and ask yourself what God might be trying to teach you. These seasons can be so vital to teach you character skills that you need when you reach the other end of this journey.
If you are being trained in warfare, then you would need to wear some protective gear. And I think that often the lessons He is teaching us is how to put on that armour. In Ephesians 6: 14-17 it talks about the Armour of God, which involves Truth, Righteousness, Readiness, Peace, Faith, Salvation and the Word of God. I think that during my times of Wilderness...these are always areas that I need to grow in. Learning to recognize the Truth from my emotions, doubts or little lies the devil whispers in my ear. Remembering how to remain righteousness during times of conflict. Always staying flexible and willing, ready for all that God may bring into my life. Seeking God's peace to calm the storms inside of me. Having Faith in Gods plan and timing even though it can feel like I have been in the wilderness FOREVER. Remembering all that I deserve, but knowing that I don't have to face my punishment because Jesus saved me and chose to take it all. And the Word of God...which I need to keep turning to during the wilderness times, as it is how God can speak to me and teach me.
During tough or wilderness times, there are often 2 reactions. Some people choose to get angry at God. Get impatient. Get bitter. Get tired and stay in bed, feeling sorry for themselves. Grumble and go and seek other options. Whilst others react by pushing into God. They spend time praying, reading, listening to messages, and worshiping even when they don't feel like it. They choose to use the tough times as a way of pushing closer to God, and allowing Him to teach and grow them. Which way do you react?
The tough times are not mistakes. God didnt forget about you whilst He was off blessing someone else. They can actually be critical times in your life where, if you allow Him, God can train you and prepare you for whats ahead. You may not be able to control all the situations in your life, but you can choose to control how you react to them. You can use the wilderness times as simply a way of killing time...or you can use them to grow and become a better person, ready for what lies ahead.
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