This week in Connect Group we were talking about the Presence of God. And talking about how in some seasons where life is busy, it can sometimes be really hard to find large amounts of time to read the bible and pray and worship God. And how that can often lead to feelings of guilt and condemnation. Which we know is never from God!
As we were praying, I felt that God dropped something on my spirit to share with 2 mums that were there, but its actually been something that I haven't been able to stop thinking about this week either. I felt like God say "I am a God of quality, not quantity. That if you can only give me 5 minutes, but you give me all of yourself in that 5 minutes...all your attention, heart, passion, awe, wonder, love, dedication...then I would rather that than someone who can give me 30min to read their bible, but is distracted or doing it out of obligation".
It's funny because one of my "love languages" is quality time. Which again isnt necessarily focused on the amount, but more the quality of the time that someone gives you. God is love, so I think God wants ALL the love languages...but I have no doubt He is into quality time with us.
Its challenged me to be purposeful with my time with God. To turn the radio off when driving. To keep my focus on him and not let my mind wander when I pray. To give him all of me, in the small free time I may have.
Yes, reading the bible is essential. But we can get creative in that. Its available on your ipod...blackberry/iphone.
Praying is essential. But we can pray while we drive, do the dishes, go for a short walk around the block.
Worshiping him is essential. But that doesn't mean spending an hour listening to a CD. Sometimes that can be opening our eyes and actually SEEING the wonder of whats around us, and staying in awe of Gods goodness and creation.
I just think...if life is crazy...learn to still give God quality time in your life. Learn to rest in him in the busyness of it. And learn to appreciate his peace and rest. And that only comes as a gift from Him, as you deepen your relationship with Him. And we can all do that no matter how busy our life season is!